Friday, January 17, 2014

Celebrating 2013 All Year Long

The holidays were bittersweet for us this past year.  Although Mila and I got to go home before Christmas, our holidays were celebrated here in Colorado with our party of three.  Michael's job didn't allow much time off to eat and be merry, but we celebrated 2013 in a much bigger way!  We didn't go "gift" crazy because we were so thankful to have a happy, healthy, and much more engaged baby girl!  In three short months, we have been celebrating what most take for granted.....

~giving kisses
~"sharing" toys with mommy and daddy
~good posture while sitting
~drinking from a sippy cup, and now a straw cup
~crossing body midline to reach for a toy
~rolling continuously on the floor
~self-feeding with a spoon
~exposure to different textures to discover likes and dislikes
~bear weight on hands and knees
~turn pages in a book
~identifying objects when given a choice between two
~army crawl to regular crawl
~overcoming fears of swinging, sliding, bouncing on yoga ball, being turned upside down
~pulling up to "tall knees"
~standing with assistance
~sign "more," "ball," and "please"
~sit up from lying down
~purposeful play
~mechanism of pushing and pulling

We had so many BIG moments happen for us in such a short amount of time.  We continue to celebrate each and every one while working on "our" next milestone.  We are forever thankful and humbled for what 2013 gave us!

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