Friday, January 10, 2014

Colorado...Party of 3

My little family and I decided to go on an adventure after spending most of our lives in North Carolina. We moved to Colorado at the end of May.  Little did we know, it would be different than we had imagined. We were only here for a few short months before we would return to NC in July to celebrate Mila's 1st birthday with our closest friends and family.

I was excited about Mila's well visit because we always enjoy seeing how big our girl has grown. Lets just say, Mila's exam turned into a "dog fight" pretty fast, and I felt as if I was quickly losing. Our practitioner whom we had seen almost every visit, suddenly felt like my worst enemy. "Her head is really big", "her forehead sticks out pretty far", "I think her sutures have closed to early", "Mila's anemic, so you need to start a supplement", "She scored a zero on the gross motor scale, so you need to seek some early intervention." Excuse me? Let's rewind....

Mila's head as ALWAYS been in the 95% because her head is EXACTLY like her dad's. That's not a new finding. We both have large foreheads with high hairlines, so enlighten me with something I don't know.  Her suture's are closing as they should. She's been slightly anemic, nothing dangerous, because the supplement tastes like ass. Have you tasted it?  I really wanted to punch her practitioner in the face for picking apart my baby.  The doctor came in, and as I expected, her head and sutures were NORMAL.

As if this appointment wasn't enough to make me blow a gasket, I had already been receiving constant reminders from friends and family for a few months, that Mila was NOT crawling or walking.  I don't do well when others impress their opinions about my child, but my heart was heavy. Should I be worried she isn't crawling or walking? Her dad and uncle were both "late" walkers, and considering she sucked up every gene from her dad, I trumped up her lack of milestones to history.  Mila has always been a super relaxed, chill baby. I always thought Mila was a kid who will do things in "her own time."

My best friend and sister, Sarah, suggested seeing a friend of hers who was a physical therapist while we were still in town. Sherry was kind enough to make a house call at Sarah's and played with Mila for about an hour.  She assisted Mila with several exercises, which included standing. Needless to say, Mila cried throughout all of them.  Sherry encouraged me to contact Early Intervention when we returned to Colorado.

I didn't waste any time and called EI the very next morning.  The lady assured me someone would be in contact with me to set up an appointment in our home to discuss my concerns for Mila's needs.

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